If I search my archived emails with the subject “Harper’s”, I find a succinct little exchange with the assistant art director of 10 years ago. I had submitted a series of photographs from the series VIGIL that I thought might make some clever illustrations for the ever erudite magazine. The work was politely rejected, or to be more precise: “we’ll be in touch”. I mean, I wasn’t waiting around for them to call or anything, but I was thrilled when I heard that they were interested in publishing 3 of my paintings to accompany The Return, a Joyce Carol Oates short story in the August issue. They chose one of my very favourite paintings too.
Lots of other exciting things to tell you about:
My first painting show I’m Looking Through You in Pasadena, California with a great gallery called La Loma Projects (lalomaprojects.com). I also have work in Les Canadiennes with some of my favourite lady painters from north of the 49th parallel at Gallery b (gallerybgallery.com) in Castine, Maine where I hope to find myself painting in residence by the cold ocean some summer soon, when the undertow of family life is not quite so strong.
Two exciting Toronto things coming in October:
My work will be in Art Toronto 2023 with smoke the moon gallery (smokethemoon.com) from Santa Fe, New Mexico and Roadtripping in my Mind #75 will be available at auction for Art with Heart, (artwithheart.ca) the prestigious fundraiser for Casey House.
Roadtripping in My Mind #75, 2022, 30 x 40 inches, acrylic on wood panel. Available through Casey House Art with Heart 2023 auction.
2024 will be very busy with solo shows in LA and Santa Fe, a couple of art fairs and group shows. In the meantime, I hope it’s not too hot where you are, or too wet or too cold. I hope that you are able to find joy in the small things and that you have some time by a lake or an ocean or a pond, and you get the chance to be with the people that you love.
Stay cool,